
This is my try to write simple typical application using new Famo.Us framework

Demo bookstore application in Famo.Us

This project is a kind of my attempt to write simple typical mobile application in javascript using new Famo.Us framework. Feel you free to use it as a demo application while learing/investigating famo.us.

I will be very appreciated to get feedback, bugreports or suggestions how to improve the code.

Online Demo

Here you can find deployed application: http://logicify.github.io/famous-demo-bookstore/app-compiled/latest/.
NOTE: This is mobile application written in Javascript & HTML and it should be opened on mobile devices only!

To make things a bit easier I prepared QR code with that link:

Famous demo bookstore: demo page


First make sure you have node.js, grunt-cli, and bower installed.

brew install node
    npm install -g grunt-cli bower

If you are installing node for the fist time you will most likely need to add npm to your path

$ export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH"

You will probably want to add that to you .bash_profile. I'll assume if you are using any other shell that you know what you are doing already :P

Getting Started

npm install && bower install

That's it!!!

Running the Development Server

Simply run grunt serve and you will start a local development server and open Chrome. Watch tasks will be running, and your browser will be automatically refreshed whenever a file in the repo changes.

You can run serve with --port=9001 to manually pick the port that the server will run on


If you would like to compile your project for distribution simply run the command grunt to build dist/ which will be a deployment ready version of your app. Preprocessing will be applied to html, all js will be concatenated and minified. All js / css assets will also have their name prepended with a hash for cache busting.


Dmitry Berezovsky, Logicify (http://logicify.com/)